Subject: Bittersweet Memories Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 15:32:06 -0400 (EDT) From: (Berry Smith) To: Just got a WebTV and am trying to catch up after many years of being computer illiterate. Thought it would be interesting to see what, if anything, there was on Bennington and am pleasantly surpised to find so much historical data. A pea-green ensign out of OCS, Newport, I was assigned legal officer when she was being recommissioned in Brooklyn Navy Yard. (a choice bit of military logic since I was definitely not a lawyer but had studied the UCMJ during 9 weeks of additional schooling at Newport). Had a great tour- Gitmo, the Med. And then the explosion. Lost a lot of buddies I will never forget. I have often wondered where the rest of the lucky ones are there any way to track them down after so many years? If there is anyone out there in cyberspace who had the patience to read this, please let me hear from you. Thanks